What is diabetes in dogs?
Canine diabetes is something we see far too often, and in this article, we will help you understand what it is and how to stop it starting in the first place. We believe that canine diabetes can be caused by the wrong diet and that a fresh raw diet is so important for our pups.
Canine diabetes is an incurable disease caused when the body stops making insulin. Diabetes is all about how the body utilises glucose, and when glucose cannot get into the cells, it builds up in the blood. This then causes hyperglycemia, which means there is too much sugar in the blood. Glucose can not get into the cells without insulin, which is made by the pancreas.
The pancreas and its insulin production are essential for good health in your pup, and when things don’t work correctly, your pup can become diabetic and also be likely to have kidney issues.
Book a personal consultation today.
Diabetic nephropathy is the name given to kidney damage that is caused by diabetes, so we believe that looking after your pup’s kidneys is imperative.
Types of diabetes
Type 1 diabetes
The most common type in dogs, and although not always caused by diet, Type 1 diabetes is very likely to be caused by a diet high in carbohydrates. Type 1 diabetes is when the pancreas cannot produce insulin and is a dangerous disease which may require insulin shots regularly. Type 1 diabetes is characterised by high blood sugar and can mean your pup has an autoimmune condition.
Type 2 diabetes
The most common type and is generally due to obesity by your pup eating too many carbohydrates. Carbohydrates turn to sugar, so a very simple change can be made here by changing to a fresh raw diet with very few carbohydrates. The body becomes resistant to insulin production because too much sugar is in the diet. Type 2 diabetes can be reversible in some cases.
Signs of diabetes
Some of the signs of diabetes in dogs:
Diabetic dogs drink more and pee more
Vomiting can be a common sign
Tiredness and fatigue are signs to look out for
Diabetic dogs may lose weight
Hunger is a common sign too
If you see any of these signs in your pup, get your vet to check for diabetes and kidney disease.
Breeds that are prone to diabetes
Any dog can get diabetes, but for some reason, the list of breeds below seems to be more predisposed to get this awful disease, and females are likely to get it twice as much as males.
Alaskan Malamute
Cairn Terrier
Doberman Pinscher
German Shepherd Dog
Golden Retriever
Labrador Retriever
Miniature Pinscher
Miniature Schnauzer
Old English Sheepdog
Springer Spaniel
Tibetan Terrier
West Highland White Terrier
Diet and diabetes in dogs
The correct diet is essential for our dogs and by choosing any foods from www.paleoridge.co.uk - use discount code SimplyRawFeeding20 for a 20% discount and free shipping on your first two orders, thereafter use SimplyRawFeeding10 for a permanent 10% discount - you do need to set up an account to use these codes, your pup is far less likely to contract diabetes or kidney disease. As we know, a highly processed diet is awful for us and also for our pups and is very likely to cause multiple health issues due to its poor quality, overheated and often toxic ingredients. Our pups need six essential nutrients which are in fresh and raw food:
Good quality, fresh raw foods have everything your pup needs and are high in protein. Dogs need meat in their diets and cannot be healthy without it. They also contain good fats needed for energy, vitamins and minerals that come from the food, not added synthetically. Some foods have carbohydrates in the form of vegetables and fruit which we recommend feeding a couple of times per week and of course, water is essential in any diet and is approximately 70% natural in fresh raw food.
The conclusion here guys is that by feeding your dog a fresh raw diet, the chances of getting this awful disease will be lower than if you feed a highly processed diet we all know is so inflammatory and toxic. I highly recommend reading Dr Conor Brady’s book Feeding Dogs www.dogsfirst.i.e a superb and meticulously researched book that proves this point.